Practical and Stylish: Easy Clean Stain Resistant Farbics – Designer Wallcoverings and Fabrics


Practical and Stylish: Easy Clean Stain Resistant Farbics

Practical and Stylish: Easy Clean Stain Resistant Farbics

A perfect trio of weaves all offering our unique easy clean finish for demanding interior schemes, from the glamour of Opera velvet to the more rustic style charm of Skye with its textured weave to the chunky boucle blend of Vezzano. Practical and stylish in every way. OekoTex certified.

Stain Resistant Easy Clean Fabrics

Our easyclean ranges combine the latest stain free technology with robust and beautiful weaves to ensure long lasting, low maintenance easy to clean fabrics.

  • Stains such as ballpoint pen, coffee, mud, red wine, and ketchup are easy to clean with just water*
  • Permanent high performance stain free technology. Does not diminish with washing or heavy use
  • Stains can be removed time and time again
  • Oeko Tex Certified, produced in a way that is safe for the environment, humans and pets
  • No harmful chemicals or finishes are released from the fabric

*stubborn stains may require a small amount of household soap

How to clean easyclean fabrics:

  1. Remove any remaining stain residue with a teaspoon.
  2. Apply water to the stain and blot using a white paper towel (do not rub in a circular motion). Repeat the process until the stain residue is no longer visible on the paper towel.
  3. Apply more water to the area (for more stubborn stains, use a normal household bar of soap) and gently rub with a microfibre cloth. Use gentle circular movements for best results. Repeat the process until completely removed (when using soap, use intermittently and ensure to remove all remains of soap residue with water).
  4. Allow the fabric to dry naturally. Do not apply heat.

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