Wallpapers and Fabrics Inspired by Spanish Villas – Designer Wallcoverings and Fabrics


Wallpapers and Fabrics Inspired by Spanish Villas

Wallpapers and Fabrics Inspired by Spanish Villas

With a glorious, chilled-out vibe, Harlequin introduces Mirador, an irresistible range of wallpapers, drapes and upholstery fabric. Named after the Spanish word for ‘lookout’, this collection sings of stunning panoramic vistas and the glamorous interiors of sun-kissed villas perched high upon towering Ibizan hills. Spanish and African influences come alive with eye-catching, inspirational designs, opening up a treasure trove of international style.

Wallpapers, in softly colored pared-back tones are adorned with metallic highlights, showcasing the intricate detail of stylized florals, shattered geometrics and animal inspired patterns and motifs. Almost a paradigm of Ibizan life, Mirador contrasts vibrant sociability with the relaxed, expressive feel of this most alluring of lifestyles in three inspiring pattern books: Mirador Wallpapers, Mirador Drapes and Mirador Upholstery.

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