Paul Montgomery Studios

Cabinet of Porcelains Silk Cream Mural | Paul Montgomery Studios

SKU: Panel-32065-Sample



Type : Mural

Width : 36"

Brand : : Non Woven paper

Category : Home & Garden > Decor > Wallpaper

Composition: Non Woven paper


Pattern Description:

A Bounty of Blue and White. As soon as European countries set up trading routes in the 17th century, blue and white porcelains exported from China to the West prompted a fervor for blue and white ceramics. Arduous sea journeys made Chinese export porcelains expensive, so industrious potters on the Continent and in England emulated the look using local pottery wares. Called "delft" after a town in Holland where it was made, it was also produced widely in Britain. This blue and white pottery was the primary ceramic ware used in Great Britain and her colonies in the first half of the 18th century. Colonial Williamsburg has a superb collection of 17th and 18th century British delft ware. Paul Montgomery has captured the look of these priceless antique vases, flower bricks, punch bowls, and more. Enjoy a fabulous cabinet of antique blue and white wares from China and England without the cost of collecting--or fear of breakage! The inaugural WILLIAMSBURG Mural Collection X Paul Montgomery re-envisions the rich design archive of Colonial Williamsburg the world's largest living history museum, within a modern sensibility. Sales of WILLIAMSBURG products support Colonial Williamsburg's missions of education, preservation, and engaged citizenship – That the future may learn from the past. 2 Panels Available in Full Length/Headers/Footers, Sold in individual Panels, Width: 36", Design Height: 144", Total Height: 144", Cabinet of Porcelains,Paul Montgomery Studios