
The Magic of Murals

The Magic of Murals

Presenting the latest from Nicolette Mayer
The Magic of Murals
At the center of Nicolette Mayer’s latest capsule collection, Blossom Chinoiserie, is an extraordinary mural pattern called Crested Crane. Offered in four colorways, and printed on a metallic grasscloth, Crested Crane was designed to entertain and delight much like the ancient hand-painted chinoiserie wallpapers by the late artist, Lang Shining. This statuesque motif captivates and intrigues, providing a romantic mural of elegance and an added element of glamour to any room.

Regency ReduxRegency Moderne
Palm Springs meets Hollywood glamour, in the Régency Moderne collection. Pulling inspiration from film and lavish movie sets, as well as combining the boldest elements of modernism and 19th century French architecture, this glamourous collection features unapologetic color, regal motifs, and delightful energy.

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