
Designer Spotlight Series: Debbie Morris - DKM Design Studio

Designer Spotlight Series: Debbie Morris - DKM Design Studio

We love working with talented local designers who are experts in transforming interior spaces. This Spotlight Series is shinning on the incredible Debbie Morris of DKM Designs in Los Angeles. Debbie specializes in contemporary residential design with over 15 years of experience. 


"I began my design career using all different genres and now I have come to specialize in contemporary design. I appreciate the simplicity and clean lines this style offers. I enjoy creating contemporary spaces but I also like to incorporate an eclectic feel at times to create a more sophisticated room that is warm and inviting.


My goal for designing new spaces is always to create a home that is unique to each client, but also create a timeless space that will be enjoyed for years to come." - Debbie 

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