Wallpaper NYC

Komo Island Leaves Wallpaper

SKU: TRF-56827-sample

Sold Per Single Roll

Color : white, light to dark green, yellow, tan

Width : 27" x 13.5ft

Length : Shipped in Doubles

Unit of Measure : Sold Per Single Roll

Packaged : Shipped in Doubles

Repeat : 25.25 in.; Straight

Lead Time : Usually in Stock


Pattern Description:

Slim blades of color reach across this pattern creating a tangle of tropical leaves, some in silhouette, with shafts of light peeking through dense jungle. The design is over scale and some versions have metallic accents. The selections include white with dark grey or blue with yellow/green, plus five additional. Pair with Woven Mat (TRF-56853 - TRF-56857) to continue the organic Indonesian theme. leaf, banana, palm, tropical, jungle, rain forest, large scale, overall