Innovations - Spring 2019 – Designer Wallcoverings and Fabrics


Innovations - Spring 2019

Innovations - Spring 2019


Available at DW Sherman Oaks, Innovations’ spring collection offers utilitarian textures and patterns that make a statement – a visual representation of the interplay between construction and deconstruction of layers being built up over time, and peeling back those layers through erosion to reveal the beauty beneath.

Innovations Wallcoverings - Spring 2019Innovations Wallcoverings - Spring 2019Innovations Wallcoverings - Spring 2019

Innovations Spring 2019Innovations Wallcoverings - Spring 2019Innovations Wallcoverings - Spring 2019Innovations in Wallcoverings - Spring 2019Innovations in Wallcoverings - Spring 2019Innovations in Wallcoverings - Spring 2019

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