
Maya Romanoff Walls in Candy Apple at Kips Bay

Maya Romanoff Walls in Candy Apple at Kips Bay

Crafting Spaces That Tell Bold Stories
Weathered Walls in Candy Apple
Center Stage Collaborations:

Shawn Henderson, Kips Bay Show House
A state of elegant repose. For this year’s Kips Bay Show House, which took place in May, Shawn Henderson created Steel Sanctuary, a thoughtfully layered space that juxtaposes sleek steel elements alongside warm hues of rose and garnet to create a meditative escape from city life.
Drawing inspiration from the timeless elegance of Yves Saint Laurent’s muse, Betty Catroux, the bedroom pays homage to the sophistication and seduction of powerful women.
Weathered Walls in Lacquered Rust provides the ideal backdrop for this daybed to unwind, relax, and dream.

“The niche was all about drama – we wanted a bold, rich wall color with a reflective quality and the Maya Romanoff material was perfect.” – Shawn Henderson

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