
Inside the Studio of Paul Montgomery

Inside the Studio of Paul Montgomery


Mural: Villa Ephrussi Garden from the Wanderlust: Michelle Nussbaumer for Paul Montgomery collection


Mural: Palazzi Barbari from the Wanderlust: Michelle Nussbaumer for Paul Montgomery collection

written by Travis Joyce, Project Manager


There's nothing more inspiring than the world we live in. From natural wonders to man-made achievements, traveling the world and experiencing these marvels firsthand can ignite immense creativity. Just as photography captures breathtaking moments, murals depict scenes in ways that evoke a unique form of beauty. Unlike photographs, murals are not bound by time or viewpoint, allowing artists to consolidate various subjects into one scene. They can recall the past, tell stories of specific places and eras, or blend moments that could never be seen together, creating a dense and captivating panorama.


In addition to landscapes and landmarks, murals can draw inspiration from the rich cultural heritage and art forms found around the world. From intricate patterns in ancient architecture to the vibrant colors of traditional textiles, the artistic expressions of different cultures offer a wealth of ideas for mural design. Whether borrowing elements from historical art movements or weaving in symbols that speak to a specific cultural identity, murals can serve as a bridge, connecting people to distant traditions and artistic legacies in a visually compelling way.


The expansive format of murals offers a panoramic perspective, transforming them into storybooks that unfold across the canvas. Each brushstroke tells a tale of a distant place or evokes the spirit of a moment long gone. To create a scene with such grandeur, there's no better source of inspiration than experiencing it for yourself.

Discover Paul’s Pick, a feature that highlights a mural personally selected by Paul for this edition, designed to inspire and captivate our discerning clients. Today’s feature is Riverwood, an idyllic water side scene of a forest.

written by Paul Montgomery, Owner

The inspiration for the Riverwood mural comes from the riverside forests and woodlands along a meandering stream or river, evoking the Japanese practice of Forest Bathing. The calm colors and serene composition create a peaceful, meditative environment. The mural is composed of six panels that seamlessly repeat and connect from panel six back to panel one. It is available in various sizes and colorways, including Taupe and Sepia. This mural is a print from the original impressionistic-style oil painting designed by Paul Montgomery.

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