
12 Scenic Wallcoverings That Bring the Outdoors In

12 Scenic Wallcoverings That Bring the Outdoors In

This photo is taken in the middle of the night in the north of Sweden. A rare place on earth where it doesn't get light during the days of winter nor dark during the nights of summer.

Birches standing in water. There’s an artistic and somewhat surreal feel to this graphic black and white wall mural. 

Only your imagination can tell where this path leads. Perhaps the destination changes from day to day? Place it on your wall and allow yourself to dream away from time to time with this fascinating wall mural design.


The sun is just about to rise on the horizon. Everything is silent and still, except for the sound and sight of the waves rolling in.


The cure for anything is saltwater, sweat, tears, or the sea. This living space looks like it could cure anything as well. 

Rise like the waves! This wave wall mural will inspire and add life to your wall whether you're a surfer, landlubber or just an ocean lover.



This spellbinding meadow in heavenly pastels is inspired by a group of animals searching to find the place of their dreams. 

Every flower is made uniquely, some are embroidered, others are photos, and there are also old scrapbooks to be found in this intriguing design. 


A strong gust of wind and this wall mural motif will look completely different. We are happy to have captured this miniature "cloud landscape" before the seeds of the dandelions swirl away.


Who has not dreamed of flying? With this wallpaper your thoughts get visual support, providing you the same view that you would have if you had wings.   



A change in the weather is enough to renew the world and ourselves - Marcel Proust. This mural will renew everything around you. 


Who hasn't dreamed of taking a nap surrounded by fluffy clouds? In Cuddle Clouds, your dreams can become reality. Just place the tapestries in the bedroom and a dreamlike rest will surely be achieved. 


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